Samsung announced in February that they will release the world’s first smartphone based on Linux. To be more precise, the handset was to be based on Access Linux Platform. If you really love Linux and want even your cell phone to run the OS, you’ll be disappointed because the device will not be manufactured.
LiMo, the Linux Mobile Foundation, has issued a statement saying that they will not work on the Samsung i800. According to them, the project was withdrawn “since the original project was defined back in February there have been a number of advances in mobile technology”.
The main reason for withdrawing the Samsung i800 was done “in order to take advantage of these to prepare a more competitive Linux Mobile. Orange is still committed to mobilizing Linux technology and supporting the LiMo Platform as a uniform, open source-based software platform”.
The loss is probably felt by somebody who really wanted a mobile phone to run Linux. This doesn’t mean that there will never be a Linux based cell phone, but this will not be reality next month, or this year. In any chase, we’ve been curious to see a cell phone which actually is guided by Linux, but maybe in a few moths we’ll see that.
In any case, LiMo said nothing to their defense except “there you go. Is this a big loss to the mobile world? I guess that depends on which side of the fence you’re on”.