Most of the popular social networking sites like Myspace or Facebook made adjustments to be easily access though cellphones. They emulated their site design and content to suit any HTML browser available on a mobile phone.
Now, other social networking sites are realizing the business power of mobile browsing. Hi5 is far less popular than Facebook but they do have remarkable success in Latin America and in Europe, in some extent. The social networking site will now go mobile.
Hi5 has recently released its mobile edition which comes in 26 languages and is optimized for the iPhone, BlackBerry and a number of handsets released by Samsung and Nokia.
Following their huge success in Latin America, the company’s new path regarding mobile access is slightly different from Myspace. Instead of creating a browser-based edition, Hi5 will focus on people who use their mobile phone to stay in touch with friends and families, and barely use computers in this matter.
Statistics show that this decision is best for the company. A recent analytical analysis made by ComScore suggests that Hi5 doubled its visitor count over the last year and that most users come from Latin America.
This move may be ingenious since competition is also trying to grab Latin America.