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Registered: 19-09-2019
Messages: 148
Rating: 2
12-12-2023 09:34
What factors should one consider when choosing a broker for trading, and how to navigate through the available options?

Registered: 22-02-2019
Messages: 134
Rating: 4
12-12-2023 09:41
The Guardian's recent insights https://guardian.ng/news/3-best-professional-trading-platform-providers/ [guardian.ng] into Exante, Interactive Brokers, and Saxo Bank have fueled my desire for more knowledge. As I ponder the suitability of these platforms, I'm curious to know if anyone has struck gold with Exante's versatility or discovered their trading haven with Saxo Bank's global reach.

Registered: 19-09-2019
Messages: 148
Rating: 2
13-12-2023 11:46
I have not heard about this option before, but I will definitely test it. Thanks anyway.
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