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Registered: 05-07-2021
Messages: 175
Rating: 6
03-11-2022 14:15
This topic pops into my head every now & again, how do you all have
your collection insured? Is there a special addition for it? Is it
merely covered in a general blanket coverage of your items?

As of now, it sits as a blanket one for us. My collection(retail
according to Brickset) covers roughly half the amount. I'm thinking of
talking to our agent & see what's available, and was curious to hear
others approach.

Registered: 12-11-2021
Messages: 15
Rating: 0
03-11-2022 15:07
I'm from Hawaii, and I have quite an impressive collection now. Can I insure it as well?                                                Can I take out real estate insurance along with my collection insurance?

Registered: 31-01-2022
Messages: 38
Rating: 2
03-11-2022 15:08
Certainly, if you have a significant collection, it is better to insure it. You'll probably have to take out a comprehensive insurance policy. Homeowners insurance in Hawaii can help in the aftermath of a typhoon or hurricane https://www.agilerates.com/home-insurance/home-insurance-in-hawaii/ [agilerates.com]. But at the same time, you should not forget about earthquakes and more frequent wildfires. And for all that, you'll have to take out more comprehensive insurance. Of course, the cost of the issue can also increase. But is it so important if you want to keep your collection intact or at least feel protected?
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