So, one thing that I feel I really missed out on, was ever playing a
session of Dungeons and Dragons. But I've been very interested in it recently, and I've been researching it and watching some sessions on YouTube and it seems like something I would enjoy. Whats cool about D&D, is people can adapt its story and mechanics to create their own, unique session. Which had me thinking, would World of Tanks based mechanics work well if implemented into a D&D style game? You have your basic classes of character, with each class having different styles of play. You already have numerical health values and damage points each vehicle/character could do, it's already heavily Random Number Generator based .
I thought it it was something really fun to think about, and I'm open to any ideas and criticism, I'd like to see if it could work
Great idea!
Yes, it is the adaptation that is the main fitch of D&D. I also created my own D&D game and even read a detailed guide about each song []. Yes! You have a great idea about implementing World of Tanks In B&B, but I'm interested in how you will do it... Basically, all D&D games are RPGs and so on, and you decided to introduce tanks here... This is certainly unusual, but I'm not sure if it will work. But I only wish you good luck and I hope all your plans are realized and you will get the game that you conceived at the very beginning. I can only be happy for you, everything will work out for you!