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Registered: 26-07-2020
Messages: 56
Rating: 4
19-10-2020 10:16
I want to buy web development of a site like this, but with my corrections in design

Registered: 05-10-2020
Messages: 55
Rating: 3
19-10-2020 15:16
Are you even sure that this is possible to do.

Registered: 05-10-2020
Messages: 19
Rating: 2
19-10-2020 15:22
(1 user)
Why would you like to do it that way? Is your design much better than the other designs? I mean it is just complicating things and I do not like it. If you really want to do it like that, but you do not know how, you should look for web building san diego [statsdigital.com] and when you find them you need to explain what you want. My friend works there and he tells me that there are customers like that and that it is hard to please them sometimes. Still those guys are pros and if someone can do it, they can. I would not think about it too much...<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}

Registered: 05-10-2020
Messages: 55
Rating: 3
26-10-2020 00:12
You are right Matt!

Registered: 12-08-2021
Messages: 5
Rating: 0
18-08-2021 18:32
I think you'd better turn to professionals who are involved in firmware development sirinsoftware.com/services/embedded-software-development-services [sirinsoftware.com] and other areas. In business, it is better to cooperate with trusted and reliable companies.
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