You meet that special someone and there’s an instant connection—you’re both into Game of Thrones, their dry sense of humor kills you, and dang those eyes! And then you learn that the same year you graduated college, they were wrapping up freshman year—of high school.
Dating a younger man, woman, or anyone really—whether you’re two or three years their senior or you're talking cougar territory—certainly can work, but being an “older woman” in a relationship does tend to come with certain perks and downfalls. If you want to make things work, be sure you can handle the following.
My husband [] is much younger than me. The age difference is generally a common reason for jokes. When I try to talk him into the gym, he says that if he loses weight, girls will immediately follow him, and then it'll be bad for me. I cannot say that I am not afraid of this. I understand that relationships can end at any age and in any couple. But I am happy and believe him
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