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Registered: 27-12-2007
Messages: 4
Rating: 0
27-12-2007 13:00
need your honest opinions, for V3.
i am thinking of buying it (off course the prizes have come down now) But all the Motos that people i know have had have broken most frequently.

Registered: 27-12-2007
Messages: 3
Rating: 0
27-12-2007 13:05
i've had my v3 for many months now! I hate my phone! Please do not buy the V3 - you will only be disappointed. It looks good but thats all! I will never have another Motorola again!

Registered: 27-12-2007
Messages: 4
Rating: 0
27-12-2007 13:07
i'm liking the v3x the 3g version with 2 MP cam, 64mb mem, bluetooth v1.2 it looks wicked and i slightly chunkier! hope it wil not break like other motos!!

Registered: 27-12-2007
Messages: 6
Rating: 0
27-12-2007 13:09
i wouldn't touch the v3 personally!!! they r cool but i would advice every1 to stay away from them. i had 1 which i broke within a week and then had it replaced and the same thing happened with the new one. Get a nokia or a sony ericsson instead!!
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