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Phones.com ยป Forum

Registered: 12-07-2014
Messages: 4
Rating: 0
15-07-2014 22:51
Mobile users for your notice! ! !
I hope every one here may use smart phone. Some may use iphone, iPad or Android devices. Are you damn sure about your mobile safety. Please make sure you have installed Track Kit Pro App. If not installed, then hurry install now from here.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/track-kit-pro-gps-tracker/id871156899 [itunes.apple.com]
This helps to track the theft/stolen mobile devices using satellite assistance by GPS Technology. It might be useful for everyone. So use and recommend your friends to use it as well.

Registered: 15-04-2015
Messages: 4
Rating: 0
29-06-2015 16:46
Is this App available to BB handset??? i want offline maps and tracking system for my phone.
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